At this time, the roads and trails within the Duke Forest Teaching and Research Laboratory, as well as the Al Buehler Cross Country Trail and the Sally Meyerhoff Fitness Loop, at Duke University are not closed. According to local and statewide stay-at-home orders, “outdoor activities” are still permitted, but individuals must comply with social distancing requirements.
We hope these amenities can remain open if they are used in a safe and responsible manner as they provide a wonderful respite during this uncertain time. Please follow all public health recommendations and use your best judgement and common sense to keep you and others safe:
✦ Stay home if you are sick or may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus and the associated disease COVID-19.
✦ Maintain the CDC’s recommended 6-feet between you and others at all times, stepping off the road or trail as needed.
✦ Do not allow your leashed dog to approach other people. Do not touch other people’s pets.
✦ Do not touch surfaces, such as picnic tables, or use the equipment along the Fitness Loop.
Please note that all rules and regulations (https://dukeforest.duke.edu/recreation/regulations-safety-considerations/) must still be followed, especially the leashing of dogs and removal of all pet waste (including poop bags) from the Forest.
Please visit coronavirus.duke.edu to learn more about Duke’s response to this global pandemic.