Date/Time The Forest will be open for recreational use on Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday.
Our 10th annual deer herd reduction program will commence on September 24th and end on December 14th, 2018. During this time, the Durham, Korstian, and Blackwood Divisions are closed to public access and for all recreation Monday through Friday. Saturdays and Sundays are open for normal use. To learn more about our DMAP program click here.
The Office of the Duke Forest is preparing for its tenth hunting season through the NC Wildlife Resources Commission Deer Management Assistance Program. Results from the 2018 deer population survey showed a dramatic increase in total deer spotted when compared to the previous six years. While many factors contribute to interannual variation, the spike suggests that hunting remains necessary to reduce the negative impacts caused by overabundant deer on the Forest. The 2018 season will begin on September 24th and continue through December 14th. During this time, the Durham, Korstian, and Blackwood Divisions of the Forest will be closed to all public access Monday through Friday. All divisions of the Forest will be open on Saturdays and Sundays and on November 22nd and 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. Hunting is conducted by two pre-selected groups; it is not open to the general public. The Durham and Korstian Divisions will be hunted with bow and arrow only while the Blackwood Division will have both bow and gun hunting. For safety reasons, please observe all posted signs and seek alternate locations for recreation. Researchers, teachers, and students with upcoming or ongoing work in the Forest should contact the Office as soon as possible to discuss arrangements for use during the deer season. The Office of the Duke Forest appreciates your support and cooperation throughout the program. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office at (919) 613-8013, or via email at You may also check our web site ( for updates on the program. Add this event to my calendar: google cal | iCal | webcal Back to the Event Calendar |
Forest Open – Deer Herd Reduction Suspended
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