Friday, November 2, 2018 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join us for a morning of critical work on a double culvert within of the Korstian Division of Duke Forest that was damaged by the high water of Hurricane Florence and further eroded by Hurricane Michael. With supervision from Duke Forest staff, you will use your hands and other tools to move rocks and gravel that will help stabilize the pair of culverts. Your efforts will help restore road access and water flow to new Hope Creek. This event is appropriate for volunteers 16 or older and will require hiking and moderate to high physical exertion. There are a maximum of 8 spots available, so please sign up soon by clicking the link below!
Duke Forest will provide work gloves, tools, snacks, and water. As always, please wear closed-toed shoes and bring anything else that keeps you comfortable in the woods (e.g. sunscreen, bug spray, etc.). We’ll send specific location and parking details as the date gets closer.
Please remember to bring a signed waiver form with you:
Volunteer Waiver

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