
August 20, 2024

Forest greetings to the adjoining neighbors of the Duke Forest, Duke’s biggest and oldest laboratory

We’ve added this special section to our website just for Forest neighbors whose property adjoins ours, so that along with the annual deer herd reduction announcement you receive, you have access to additional information about what’s happening in the Duke Forest. We want you – if you’re interested – to know about the wide variety of management objectives we implement across the Forest and how you can stay connected to and/or support that work. 

What’s on this Page

  1. Meet Our Staff
  2. Management & Stewardship Objectives
  3. Special Notices
  4. Resources
  5. Giving
  6. Voluntary neighbor contact information
  7. Stay Connected with the Duke Forest

Meet our staff

Tim, Tyler, Sara, Craig, Lee Anne, Kevin, Maggie, Zach, Tom

Our small but mighty team manages this incredible 7,100 acre land base on behalf of Duke University. The nine of us are the core team, and on a daily basis, we facilitate teaching and research activities in the Forest, manage and steward its natural resources, and conduct community outreach and engagement. We are supplemented by occasional graduate student assistants, and, thanks to donor support, summer interns. You can learn more about our mission and the variety of work our small team oversees in the Duke Forest Teaching & Research Laboratory in our Strategic Plan or in the video below.

Sara Childs, Executive Director
Tyler Gibson, Assistant Director of Engagement
Lee Anne Reilly, Assistant Director of Teaching and Research
Maggie Heraty, Senior Program Coordinator
Tim Barco, Operations Coordinator
Zach Carnegie, Forest Technician
Tom Craven, Forest Supervisor
Craig Hughes, Maintenance and Infrastructure Manager
Kevin Egan, Protection and Safety Coordinator

Caption: Watch a mini-documentary released last year about our staff’s passion for protecting and maintaining the Duke Forest Teaching and Research Laboratory.

Management objectives

Special Notices


Friends of Duke Forest

Share your contact information (optional)

Please stay connected with the Duke Forest

This Forest is always brimming with activity—from researchers installing equipment to collect data, to middle school students discovering the wide variety of life in our streams, to Duke Forest staff monitoring and maintaining nearly every square foot of ground. As a neighbor, it might be fun and helpful to keep up with Duke Forest happenings.

Here are some options:

  1. Subscribe to our e-LOG newsletter (monthly)
  2. Subscribe to our annual report The Duke Forest LOG (hardcopy or digital)
  3. Become a Friend of the Duke Forest and be automatically subscribed to both of the above.
  4. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
  5. Check our website regularly for important announcements, often displayed as a banner on top of page.
  6. Contact us if you have questions or observations
    Phone: (919) 613-8013

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