Stand Highlight: C72 Longleaf Pine


This project represents an on-going review and update of forest stand information based on historical Duke photo archives and published documents.

The initial forest stand to be reviewed is a Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) stand in Compartment 72 of the Duke Forest. Longleaf Pine was a predominant pine in the Southeast historically with Longleaf stand acres currently in decline. Longleaf, by nature, is shade intolerant and requires a fire-based ecosystem. This stand, originally commissioned by Clarence Korstian, the founder of the Duke University School of Forestry, is at the extreme NW range for Longleaf Pine and the site was selected based on its sandy soil type. The initial planting of this site was in 1935.  Total stand area is 9.39 acres. The crew that accomplished the planting was comprised of students and the Duke Forest crew led by C.M Henninger and C.H. Willison.

This site represents recovered agricultural land with beans, peas, and corn planted in the previous year (1934).  The site had observable sheet erosion with topsoil degradation prior to pine planting. The initial 1935 planting of Longleaf required additional maintenance in 1937 and 1938. There was a high rate of failure with the initial 1935 planting due to poor stock (roots had been cut-off short) and frost heaving of seedlings. The 1937 planting demonstrated poor survival with a final re-planting in 1938.

This stand, at the extreme range of Pinus palustris, was a test of the viability of the tree on the Duke Forest. The forest management plan has been on-going over time and includes the controlled use of fire to ensure success of the stand.

1. Introduction | 2. Location | 3. Background | 4. H&S: Timeline | 5. H&S: Basic Silvics | 6. Photos | 7. References

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