Stand Highlight: C72 Longleaf Pine


  1. Duke Forest Historical Plantation Records – The Duke Forest Archives
  2. Duke Forest Photo Archives – The Duke Forest Archives
  3. Lynch, Ida Phillips. The Duke Forest at 75: A Resource for All Seasons. Durham: The Office of the Duke Forest, Duke University, 2006.
  4. Finch, Bill and Beth Maynor Young, Rhett Johnson, and John C. Hall. Longleaf, Far As the Eye Can See: A New Vision of North America’s Richest Forest. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2012.
  5. Fowells, H.A. Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States, Agricultural Handbook No. 271. U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1975.

1. Introduction | 2. Location | 3. Background | 4. H&S: Timeline | 5. H&S: Basic Silvics | 6. Photos | 7. References

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