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Purpose: To identify and record data about the timing of spring flowering and leaf-out of Duke Forest trees.

Impact: These data will contribute to the National Phenology Network’s tracking of how biological events may be shifting because of climate change. It will also help us better understand the localized impacts to the Forest.
Science Advisor: Rebecca Dalton, Ph.D. Candidate Read more about Becky
Commitment: February 1 – Mar 31. 1 visit and data entry weekly (~1 hour) for 8 weeks
Scope: Walking one of two moderately sloping on-trail transects in the Korstian Division of Duke Forest and observing specific trees along the way for evidence of budding, flowering, and leafing. Uploading simple data into the National Phenology Network.
Training: Jan 26 9am-12pm. The training will be held in Durham, NC and registration opens on this page on January 2, 2019. The observation can be performed by the whole family or group (anyone can participate), but the data entry must be completed by a participant who attended the training.
Participants: Must be 16 or older (under 18 will require parental consent).
Anyone can participate as part of a group, however the person attending the training and responsible for the data entry should be 16 or older.
Program has reached capacity. Registration is Closed