2025 Flora and Fauna Tour

Saturday, April 19, 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Discover the native plants and animals of the Duke Forest.

Join the Duke Forest for our annual Flora and Fauna tour, led jointly by Duke Forest Executive Director Sara Childs and Dr. Nicki Cagle from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. Tour participants will spend the morning hike along the forested slopes and rocky New Hope Creek banks tucked within the Korstian Division. Under Nicki and Sara’s guidance, you will discover some of the many species that call the Duke Forest home, find what’s in bloom, and learn a few plant- and animal-identification how to’s along the way. We hope you’ll join us!

Audience: This tour is geared toward adult audiences (ages 18+). Any minors interested in participating must have a parent or guardian present and have an active interest in the subject.


  • Tour participants will be on their feet throughout this 3-hour tour, walking and standing during short presentations.
  • The tour will include an approximately 1-mile loop hike on gravel roads and unpaved, dirt foot trails. Some stretches of the hike include uphill and downhill sections and rocky, uneven ground surfaces alongside New Hope Creek. We invite participants to bring trekking poles or a walking stick if needed.
  • There are NO BATHROOMS in the tour area, so please plan accordingly.
  • Parking is available and will be directed by Duke Forest staff.
  • Our registration form includes a question where you can share details about any accessibility needs you may have. If you have accessibility considerations that you would like to make our staff aware of, please let us know.

Join the waitlist


Space is limited to 25 participants. In an effort to increase the reach of our tours, the first 10 tour slots will be first-come, first-served, and the remaining slots will be filled from a waitlist. Our tours are small and often fill quickly, and we hope to engage a mix of folks new to the Duke Forest and past participants. Thank you for your understanding.


Full event details—including location and parking directions—will be sent to registered tour participants a week prior to the event.





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