Office of the Duke Forest staff
Sara Childs, Executive Director
Timothy Barco, Operations Coordinator
Zach Carnegie, Forest Technician
Tom Craven, Forest Supervisor
Kevin Egan, Protection and Safety Coordinator
Tyler Gibson, Assistant Director of Engagement
Erin Hecht, Senior Program Coordinator (Not Pictured)
Craig Hughes, Maintenance and Infrastructure Manager
Lee Anne Reilly, Assistant Director of Teaching and Research
Maggie Heraty, Special Projects Coordinator
Advisory Committee
The Duke Forest Advisory Committee consists of faculty members and administrators from a cross-section of disciplines across the University. The committee provides advice and direction both in general terms for the Forest’s future and with reference to specific problems and issues. The committee is chaired by the dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment and meets on an irregular basis, normally at the request of the Forest Director.
Lori Bennear, Chair
Stanback Dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment; Professor, Energy Economics and Policy
Dan Richter
Professor, Soils and Forest Ecology
Nicholas School of the Environment
Pat Halpin
Professor, Marine Geospatial Ecology
Nicholas School of the Environment
Nicolette Cagle
Senior Lecturer, Environmental Science and Policy; Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Nicholas School of the Environment
Sari Palmroth
Research Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Nicholas School of the Environment
Neal Flanagan
Assistant Professor, Duke Wetland Center
Nicholas School of the Environment
Bill LeFevre
Executive Director
Sarah P. Duke Gardens
William Tricomi
Associate General University Counsel
Edward Balleisen
Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies;
Professor of History
Justin Wright
Graduate Dean for Trinity College of Arts & Sciences; Professor of Biology