Upcoming Thinning and Edeburn Division Closure

UPDATE 7/31/19: The Edeburn Division is closed Thursday August 1st until thinning operation is complete. We will announce the reopening via our newsletter and social media.

Beginning sometime in July, timber management operations will commence in the Edeburn Division. Recently renamed for our beloved Judd Edeburn, this division is just south of Hillsborough and provides a home for many research projects and for the NC Forest Service District 11 office. Since there is only one primary access road in the Edeburn Division, we must close it to recreation Monday – Friday while the thinning of our Loblolly Pine stands takes place. We expect the closure to last approximately 4-weeks, but we will announce exact dates via social media and by signs posted on-site. We appreciate that this closure may be an inconvenience, but this is the best way to ensure everyone’s safety.

Please click the map below to see the area this closure affects.

Map showing Edeburn Division closure
Edeburn Division Closure – Summer 2019

The timber management activity in the Edeburn Division will be a thinning, or the removal of a percentage of trees within a stand to reduce crowding, promote vigorous growth, and reduce the risk of insect and disease problems. Products removed during a thinning include pulpwood, chip-n-saw, and small diameter sawtimber.

What will this material become?

In general, pulpwood makes paper products; chip-n-saw makes both paper and lumber products; and small-diameter sawtimber makes lumber products (think 2x4s). The company that bought the thinning in the Edeburn Division specializes in creating oriented-strand board (OSB). OSB is widely used in the building industry. With 75% of the structural wood paneling market, there is a good chance your home was built with OSB.

OSB board
OSB Board
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