Friday, April 14, 2023 - Sunday, April 16, 2023 All Day
This event is being organized by the Duke Alumni Network.
Self-Guided Hike in Duke Forest
On Duke Reunion Weekend, make your return to Durham complete by connecting with nature. Enjoy a refreshing
walk/hike/run in the Duke Forest, Duke’s biggest and oldest teaching and research laboratory. With 7,000+ acres
across three counties and six divisions, the Duke Forest has been a vital part of the Duke DNA since 1931. While the
land base is dedicated to research and teaching, there are 30 miles of roads and trails—many of which you can
Sign up below and, as the date approaches, receive communications, tips, and digital maps from Duke Forest staff for
your self-guided adventure. Hikes could range from 0.8 mi to 4 mi (or more!) depending on your time and enthusiasm.
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