Herps Citizen Science Required Orientation

Saturday, August 18, 2018
All Day

This summer we are launching our first citizen science effort, Herpetofauna of the Duke Forest. We are looking for a dedicated team of citizen scientists to help us collect data that will increase our understanding of the amphibians and reptiles that live in the Duke Forest. To learn more about the Herpetofauna Citizen Science Program, please visit our page.

Citizen science is part of a larger effort underway at the Duke Forest to better protect the wildlife species that call it home. Register for the Orientation on August 18, 2018 Location and exact time to be announced soon.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the survey form on the Citizen Science page of this website linked above, and note the important points of participation.

This orientation is required to participate in the Citizen Science program.

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