Location Join Program Coordinator, Maggie Heraty for an afternoon tour of the Shepherd Nature Trail, Duke Forest’s interpretive trail. This guided tour is an opportunity for both new and seasoned Duke Forest visitors to gain deeper insight into what makes the Shepherd Nature Trail and the land it traverses such an important location for interpreting Piedmont forests the place to show (and impress) your nature- and history-loving friends. Maggie will invite participants to contemplate the land’s past and present, and consider the roles we all play in shaping this forest over time. This tour is geared toward adult audiences (generally ages 18+) but interested, committed young adults are welcome to join. Space is limited to 20 participants and is first-come, first-served. Accessibility: The Shepherd Nature Trail is considered an easy hike (0.8 mi) but includes unpaved walking surfaces, short uphill and downhill sections, and foot-bridge crossings. No bathrooms are available. Parking is available and will be directed by Duke Forest staff. *Please note: Participants will receive staff-guided special access to the Duke Forest during its annual closure for the Deer Herd Reduction Program. During this time, the Duke Forest is closed to public access Monday-Friday through December 16, 2022.
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Shepherd Nature Trail Guided Tour
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