FY 2024 – 2025 Management and Operational Activities
A wide range of timber management, silvicultural, and maintenance activities are undertaken to steward the Duke Forest. Below is a list of actions by division that are planned for the current fiscal year, which ends in June 2025. Please note that we do not include on-the-ground harvest operations because we do not always know when the timber will be removed; a purchaser typically has up to 24 months from the date of the sale to do so.
Blackwood Division
- Deer management (closed to all public recreation from September 23 through December 13th, 2024)
- Commercial thinning
- Precommercial thinning
- Roadwork and mowing
- Regeneration counts (planted stands)
- Prescribed burning
- Natural Heritage Area monitoring
- Herbicide application (pine release)
Durham Division
- Deer management (closed to all public recreation from September 23 through December 13th, 2024)
- Commercial thinning
- Planting
- Herbicide application (pine release and site prep)
- Prescribed burning (understory)
- Roadwork and mowing
- Trail maintenance
- Natural Heritage Area monitoring
Korstian Division
- Deer management (closed to all public recreation from September 23 through December 13th, 2024)
- Commercial thinning
- Natural Heritage Area monitoring
- Roadwork and mowing
- Trail maintenance
Edeburn Division (formerly Eno Div.)
- Roadwork and mowing
- Trail maintenance
- Boundary line maintenance
- Prescribed burning
Hillsboro Division
- Roadwork and mowing
- Natural Heritage Area monitoring
Dailey Division
- Deer management (closed to all public recreation from September 23, 2024 through January 1, 2025)
- Roadwork and mowing
- Boundary line maintenance
Other Projects
- Closure of unauthorized trails
- Repairs/rehab/demo of research infrastructure
- Research site support and up-keep
- Bridge repairs
- Logging road repairs
- 20% resample of continuous forest inventory
- Site preparation for New Hope Creek Restoration Projects