We’re sorry but the Annual Photo Contest will not be held in 2020. Please enjoy the terrific photos in the Volunteer Photography Corps gallery.

Calling all forest and photography lovers! Celebrate the life and beauty of the Duke Forest by submitting your photos to the annual Duke Forest Photo Contest each September and October. Winning submissions are printed on 18” X 24” poster board and displayed at the Duke Forest’s Annual Gathering in November. All photos submitted, and especially winning photos, may also be displayed on the Duke Forest social media, marketing, and in Duke Forest publications.
What makes this Forest special to you? Is it a professor installing a research station? Is it an otter swimming in New Hope Creek? Is it a Ladyslipper blooming? We want to see the Forest through your eyes. Send us your best shots
- Submit up to 3 entries, but only one photo per photographer will be selected.
- Judges will prioritize entries from the preceding October to the present, verified by EXIF data embedded in the picture (i.e. please don’t wipe EXIF data!).
- We will only accept photos taken within the Duke Forest teaching and research laboratory. Photos from the woods near campus, the Duke Lemur Center and the Sarah P. Duke Gardens do not count, as beautiful as the may be.
- By sharing your photos, you grant us permission to reuse your them in order to promote and educate about the Duke Forest. We will try to give credit when possible, but it may not always be possible (e.g. on a featured image of a brochure).
- Please name your files LastName_FirstName_Photo# and save them as a JPG filetype (e.g. Washington_George_2.jpg) in the highest resolution you have.
- All entries are due by Wednesday October 23rd 12:00 p.m.
Please do not hesitate to call us at 919-613-8013 or email dukeforest@duke.edu if you have questions.

2019 Duke Forest Photo Contest
WINNERS [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”9″ display=”basic_thumbnail” images_per_page=”5″]
2018 Duke Forest Photo Contest
WINNERS [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”3″ display=”basic_thumbnail” images_per_page=”5″]
2017 Duke Forest Photo Contest
Walter Fowler Thomas Healy “Beaver Gate 21” Kim Brewsaugh “Fall On The Water at Duke Forest” Randy Bock “Coming Out”
From left to right: Lost & Found in the Loblolly Pines – Alexie Rudman, Beaver – Thomas Healy, Trillium 1 – Walter Fowler, Fall on the Water – Kim Brewsaugh, Coming Out – Randy Bock
2015 Duke Forest Photo Contest
As always, a tough decision! We are always in need of great photos to showcase the beauty of the Duke Forest so please feel free to send them in anytime!

2014 Duke Forest Photo Contest
This year’s decision was a tough one!!! We had to choose from over 50 amazing photographs taken on the Duke Forest. Look for next year’s contest to be advertised in October, but please feel free to email you photographs to us throughout the year. We are always in need of great photos to showcase the beauty of the Duke Forest!
Happy snapping!!!
Matthew Cicanese “Home for a Harvest Man” Ian Markham “Box Turtle” Amanda Shaver “Through the Trees”